Criminal Defense Lawyers in Italy

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English-Speaking Criminal Lawyer in Italy

The Lawyers from MDB&P have extensive Court trial experience in a wide variety of offenses including prostitution, drug offenses, firearms offenses, assault, sexual offenses, serious patrimonial felonies, and many others.

A criminal defense attorney who is also an experienced trial lawyer can help a client understand how a case may ultimately play-out before the Court by weighing the risks and rewards of a regular trial, while establishing an effective defense.

As an English-speaking Criminal Defense law firm we represent clients in a variety of criminal cases from prostitution to charges of drug offenses, firearms violations, assault, sexual offenses and serious patrimonial felonies.

What to do if you have been arrested in Italy on criminal charges.

As criminal defense attorneys in Italy we have gained long-standing experience in both pre-trial and trial defense which can be decisive when the client has been arrested and/or charged; to working with the State prosecutors and police to clearly determine the charges, the propriety of the charges (i.e. did the police arrest you in a legal manner and based on what probable cause), and we seek to build your defense by contacting witnesses, amassing documentary evidence and scrutinizing the circumstances of your alleged offense.

We also work with the prosecutor, when beneficial, to develop arrangements which can provide our clients with reduced charges where a case may be very strong on the prosecution’s side.

Unlike most English-speaking countries, Italy is a Civil Law system and not a Common Law system, therefore many of the things you may be used to at home do not apply here.

Also courts, prosecutors and police have different powers than you would be used to at home.

Trials in Criminal Courts can take a long time compared to other countries and it is necessary that you have a strong defense in place to combat the criminal allegations against you.

As Criminal Defense lawyers in Rome and throughout Italy it is our job to protect your rights, to provide for a strong defense and to stay with you through to the end.

We are strong court litigators and we have successfully represented many clients, especially foreigners here in Italy, who had to navigate not only through both cultural and real differences, but had also to overcome language barriers that can complicate any case, especially those involving criminal allegations.

Like in many other countries we have different levels of crimes from lighter crimes (Misdemeanors) to heavier ones (Felonies).

Contact Criminal Defense experts Mike Della Bella & Partners today for a free consultation. If you are outside of Italy, feel free to call or email the team with the best number and time to call you back: +39 06 45478189

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